It's a simple game, you just need to make the scale reach X, using the current scale as a reference. But it’s not so simple when X gets higher. Can you reach X? Share your high score!

The game is designed to be played in the executable; for the best experience, please download it. If you play on the web, full-screen mode is necessary, although some errors may still occur. Thank you!


The game can be played using only the left mouse click.

For those who prefer, you can also increase the tower using Space, Shift, Ctrl, Enter, W, or the Up Arrow.

The GMTK Game Jam 2024:

This game was created in 4 days for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, with the theme “built to scale".

To fit the theme, my idea was to create a cube that has a scale of 1. The player can keep building this scale as long as they wish. The goal is for the cube to measure X. If it measures X, you’re given a new X value. If not, the game restarts.

The future of the game…

Four days is a short time, and there’s room for improvement or adding new features. That’s why I’m planning to make some changes over time:

  • More and better skins (and a skin selection menu)
  • The measuring line casts a shadow; I want to avoid that
  • Custom cursor
  • Improve the camera framing, especially at high numbers
  • When the numbers get very high, it’s tedious to wait for the increase
  • MOBILE VERSION!! On Google Play

Do you have any other suggestions for improvements? Let me know in the comments, thanks!

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