A downloadable LOST SQUARE for Windows, macOS, and Android


I hope you can enjoy this Alpha version of the game, any constructive criticism (to improve the final version) is appreciated.

This is my first project in Unity. I started it to learn, but I've finally decided to leave it as an Alpha of a game that will consist of a set of levels (the playable one now will only be one of several levels that will be there).

Don't forget to comment your best time!!


Espero que pugueu gaudir d'aquesta versió Alpha del joc, qualsevol crítica constructiva (per millorar la versió final) és d'agrair.

Aquest és el meu primer projecte en Unity. El vaig començar per aprendre, però finalment he decidit deixar-lo com a Alpha d'un joc que es compondrà d'un conjunt de nivells (el que es pot jugar ara només serà un dels diversos nivells que hi haurà).

No oblidis comentar la teva millor marca de temps!!


Windows - LOST SQUARE - Alpha 1.1.zip 28 MB
Mac - LOST SQUARE - Alpha 1.1.zip 37 MB
Android - LOST SQUARE - Alpha 1.1.apk 25 MB

Development log


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I love the game, it looks very good, but it would be better if we started with an easy level somehow, but I like it a lot: congratulations